Budget and Medicaid

Ensure that essential healthcare services are available in all communities by protecting vital state funding for Medicaid. With the exception of Medicare, Medicaid is the largest healthcare insurer in the state, which makes it the largest state-funded program for providers.

  • Support the continuation of the Medicaid Expansion program
  • Support full funding of the current Medicaid program to avoid service or payment reductions
  • Support provider rate increases equivalent to the rate of inflation
  • Support the continuation of the Hospital Utilization Fee (HUF) for both inpatient (hospital “bed tax”) and outpatient services
  • Support full funding of senior and post-acute care services costs

The state’s projected budget surplus for the 2024-25 biennium will present the legislature with many proposals for increased spending as well as pressure for taxpayer relief. As always, MHA will be closely following funding issues for health and human services and education.

  • Closely monitor State revenue/projections
  • Oppose unnecessary health and human services cuts
  • Oppose unnecessary university system funding cuts that impact health professions education
  • Support, as appropriate, alternate revenue opportunities for the state
  • Support EMS reimbursement equal to Medicare rates

Rural Hospital Designations

Adopt any new federal-level rural hospital designations designed to protect rural communities’ access to care.

  • Support legislation to recognize a new Medicare designation, Rural Emergency Hospital, that provides enhanced reimbursement for emergency and outpatient services without requiring inpatient care.


MHA has long advocated that every Montanan should be protected from health insurance fraud and inappropriate coverage issues. MHA will monitor proposed insurance legislation that could negatively impact individuals and/or healthcare organizations across the state.

  • Oppose barriers to coverage
  • Support promotion of insurance exchange
  • Monitor limiting policy coverage
  • Oppose efforts that shift the burden of payment for services from the payer to the provider (such as reference-based pricing)

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