Infrastructure investments ensure hospitals and health systems are fully equipped to care for their communities now and into the future, as well as respond to any future public health emergency.

We rely on our critical infrastructure to protect and advance the physical, economic and environmental wellbeing of our state and nation. Hospitals are one of the basic physical and organizational facilities needed for the operation of a society, and thus, by definition, are part of our state and national infrastructure. Indeed, healthcare is one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Hospitals and health systems meet the daily medical needs of patients, as well as serve on the front lines protecting the lives and wellbeing of individuals in emergencies. These emergencies can range from an outbreak of communicable disease, such as COVID-19, to natural disasters, such as unprecedented storms or wildfires, to manmade emergencies, such as bombings, mass shootings or transportation disasters. In normal times and in times of crisis, Americans look to their hospitals and health systems as a place of care, comfort and refuge.

Yet, the reality is that just as other critical infrastructure, including our nation’s roads, bridges and transit systems, have aged, so too have many of our nation’s hospitals.

The following are priority areas for infrastructure investments. Investments in these areas will ensure our hospitals and healthcare providers are fully equipped to respond to any future public health emergency and deliver equitable, accessible, sustainable care to their communities.

  • Invest in physical infrastructure of hospitals and healthcare providers
  • Build capacity for emergency preparedness and response
  • Expand healthcare digital and data infrastructure
  • Secure the supply chain

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