MHA’s data and information services support member efforts to improve outcomes, performance, long-range planning and public information. Participation is at the member facility’s discretion, and data collected is blinded and aggregated for comparative purposes.


The MHA COMPdata Program offers the most comprehensive source of comparative healthcare utilization, financial, demographic, clinical, quality and severity-adjusted information in Montana. Members submit their inpatient and outpatient surgical discharge data quarterly and have access to reporting, graphing, charting and mapping capabilities. Reports can be generated online with new enhanced interactive features or downloaded into spreadsheets.

The COMPdata information also provides ready access to benchmarking information on key quality indicators to highlight areas of variation and provide a basis for measuring ongoing improvement efforts.


The MHA DATABANK Program is an online database of timely and accurate Montana hospital utilization, financial performance and balance sheet indicators. DATABANK is the ideal source for comparable information on inpatient utilization, outpatient statistics, charges and expenses per day and per stay, uncollected charges, number of days in accounts receivable gross, profitability, financial ratios and select personnel statistics.

The MHA DATABANK is valued for being the premier database that offers timely, accurate, uniform and complete utilization, and financial performance data in a simplistic online program. The MHA DATABANK is the ideal source for comparable information on inpatient and outpatient utilization, charges and expenses per day/per stay, uncollected charges, profitability, personnel statistics as well as other financial and utilization statistics. DATABANK provides you with the information to know the financial health of your hospital.

Hospitals submit their monthly data the 25th of the following month to DATABANK’s secure website. Once the data is submitted, member hospitals are able to run their facilities’ reports immediately. Hospitals can create and view peer groups by any classification they chose, whether by Medicare payment, geographic district, or operating expense to name a few. The data contained in the DATABANK reports can be used for budgeting, marketing and internal management purposes within the hospital.

DataGen – CMS Data Only (No facility reporting)

MHA, under contract with the Hospital Association of New York State (HANYS), provides analytical reports pertaining to Medicare payment policies. DataGen obtains all hospital claim, cost report and other information, and the 5% sample provider file from Medicare. The DataGen reports include impact analysis of proposed and final statutes, regulations and payment initiatives. Forty-eight states participate in the DataGen project, making timely and informative reports available to member hospitals covering everything from quality reporting and value-based purchasing to changes in DRG and APC payment rules.

Staff Contact

Roberta Yager
Information Services Director
Montana Hospital Association

@MHA_Montana Tweets

Montana Hospital Association © 2024