Our Mission

The Montana Hospital Association (MHA) is the principal advocate for the interests of members in their efforts to improve the health status of the communities they serve.

Our Vision

MHA, in partnership with our communities, will make Montana a “Top 10 Healthy State.”

Our Values

MHA members are primarily not-for-profit institutions and share the following values about delivering healthcare in Montana:

  • ACCESS: Every Montanan should have access to appropriate and necessary healthcare services.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: MHA members are accountable to the individuals and communities they serve for the higher quality of care, efficient delivery of services, and cost-effective use of resources.
  • COMMITMENT: MHA members are committed to enhancing the well-being of the less fortunate in society.
  • ADVANCEMENT: MHA members advocate for the healthcare interests of the individuals and communities they serve and the unique needs of healthcare organizations.
  • VIABILITY: Healthcare organizations must be financially viable; public and private reimbursement must fairly compensate facilities and providers for their costs of serving patients.
  • CARE FOR ALL: MHA members are committed to providing appropriate care to all patients without regard to their ability to pay unless to the detriment of the institution.
  • LEADERS: Healthcare providers have a responsibility to provide strong leadership in creating an effective and efficient delivery system.
  • HEALTHY PEOPLE, HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: MHA members seek to ensure that individuals and the communities in which they live are as healthy as possible.
  • COLLABORATION: MHA members desire to collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote relationships built on honesty and trust that facilitates access to all available healthcare resources.

Join MHA

We offer facility memberships to Montana healthcare facilities and associate memberships to organizations that conduct significant activities with the Montana healthcare community.

Interested in joining?

Please contact Katy Peterson at katy.peterson@mtha.org or 406-457-8010.


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Montana Hospital Association © 2025